How to look up your order status on

Know Your Order Status!

Your Besharam team is always working hard to make shopping as easier as it can gets for you. Right from giving you hassle free discreet shopping, International COD, 6 easy payment options. It does not end there, US and European brands at pocket friendly cost. Now that is Ludacris!

Let’s quickly teach you on how to check your order status in 3 simple steps

Step 1

Go down to the footer of the page and click on ‘Check My Order Status’ on the second column. Look the image below-


Step 2

It will take you to a page will ask you about your order number and email address. So just fill in the details as asked. Your order is 4 digits long so skip the ‘HBI’ part and use the email if you used while placing your order


Step 3

Your order status along with details of the contents and shipping details will appear. The first line is actually your tracking link. So you can copy paste the URL and paste in on the browser with your AWB #. Some Terms that will help you make some sense –

  • Order status ‘Fulfilled’ means your order is shipped
  • Order status ‘Unfulfilled’ means your order is with the warehouse team getting ready for shipping
  • Each item if Fulfilled will have an AWB# and date attached so you know the status of each item in your order.
  • If for some reason, a particular item is not showing fulfilled status or any AWB, relax it will most likely ship with the next lot. Contact for more details if you want.


 The sample status is shown below -



So now you know we are also taking care of you even after you place your order. Share your thoughts with us if you want any changes or you have some suggestions to improve our service. We always want to hear from our Fans. Till next time Be Open Be You Be Besharam!


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