FREE Shipping to India

For our customers in India, we offer a FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING for orders over Rs599 and under 2kg/5lb. It takes between 7-10 business days for the order to be delivered to your door. The logistics involved is simple and includes streamlined ordering process, coordinating vendor deliveries and consolidating multiple order packages into single larger consignment, thereby saving on shipping costs and spreading it across the multiple orders. The downside is slightly longer delivery time, but the benefits of FREE shipping far outweighs the delay.

For our customers requiring quicker delivery, we offer extremely discounted rates - International Express (7-10days) @ Rs399, Super Express (5-7days) @Rs999 and Lightening Express (3-5days) @ Rs4999.


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Most trusted Adult Store Online
Over 16000 reviews online (text, audio & video) from 300000 happy customers, we are internet's MOST LOVED store.
Discreet & Safe Shopping experience
Shipper/Exporter Name: Happy Birds + No mention of products + Secure bubble wrapped packaging.
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Your complete privacy & discretion is the first promise we make and the most dear we keep. Forever and ever.
Free Shipping $25+ US / $150+ Int'l.
FREE SHIPPING anywhere in USA for orders >$25 and worldwide for orders >$150. Shipped by USPS Priority.