Discreet Packaging + We handle Customs

We have partnered with world class shippers Fedex,UPS, BlueDart & Aramex. Your package will arrive to you in a White padded package. There would be no indication outside about the contents of the package. The shipping label will say 'Shipping Department, Happy Birds Inc, USA' so there will be no mention of the site IMBesharam.com nor would there be any Besharam company branding on the package. Additionally, you can also choose to have your order wait for you at the closest local office of our courier company (BlueDart / Aramex) in your area/pincode (select cities only).

We take care of importing your order and handling customs, duties and other taxes. To ensure your privacy we import them in our Indian entity name, so your information is NOT disclosed at time of import. So after you have made the purchase, you can relax, while we make sure your order is packaged securely, shipped reliably, handled discreetly and delivered timely.


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Most trusted
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Safe shopping zone
Most trusted Adult Store Online
Over 16000 reviews online (text, audio & video) from 300000 happy customers, we are internet's MOST LOVED store.
Discreet & Safe Shopping experience
Shipper/Exporter Name: Happy Birds + No mention of products + Secure bubble wrapped packaging.
100% Privacy Always, Guaranteed
Your complete privacy & discretion is the first promise we make and the most dear we keep. Forever and ever.
Free Shipping $25+ US / $150+ Int'l.
FREE SHIPPING anywhere in USA for orders >$25 and worldwide for orders >$150. Shipped by USPS Priority.