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Yahoo India (July 31, 2012)

The most sought after, the porn star, Sunny Leone's upcoming film JISM 2, which is about to release, is taking her places.

After endorsing and being the face of a condom brand, the hottie will now be seen endorsing an adult webstore. Sunny will appear as the Face of the Brand called 'Besharam' - India's Premium Adult Webstore, which is based in US.

The Webstore will carry a wide range of products produced - from software adult toys, adult games, adult products, energy products, bachelor and bachelorette party products, Lingerie from two of famous US and International brands, apparel and accessories for Gay and lesbian audience as well as an exclusive apparel collection including club-wear, party-wear, poolside-wear, nightwear, bedside wear and fantasy-wear.

"We have signed Sunny Leone to represent the attitude, charm and wide-spread appeal as we feel she perfectly exemplifies the emotion behind the brand which is - I am what I am and I don't care what you think about it," says the official.

A launch event will be held next month where in Sunny Leone will be present to make the announcement.


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