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Sunny Leone's bold and sexy endorsements

Indo-Canadian porn star Sunny Leone has established herself in Bollywood as a popular actress who is hugely in demand not just for films and item numbers but also for ads and endorsements.

 She charges high (over one crore) for them, but is still a preferred choice because of her huge fan base whose imaginations she sets on fire when she promotes a condom or an alcohol brand.

From mobiles to adult websites, Sunny has an enviable number of endorsements to her credit. Have a look at those ads made spicy with her sizzling presence.

One of her earliest endorsements was that of Chaze's mobile handsets. The shooting for the brand's television commercial was done in Bangkok.
Sunny Leone has been the face of, a US-based adult Webstore.
The webstore is a one stop destination of products like software adult toys, adult games, adult products, energy products, bachelor and bachelorette party products, apparel and accessories for gay and lesbian audience.
Sunny Leone is the brand ambassador of Manforce flavored condoms.
Her TV commercial of Manforce condoms can be seen on national television.
Sunny Leone is the brand  ambassador of energy drink XXX.
When questioned about this ad, she said "It is fine with me as long as people are buying the brands (endorsed by me) or watching my movies."
Sunny Leone has also endorsed a popular whisky brand.
She appears in a bold avatar in AC Black's ad.


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