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The Health Site (August 29, 2013)

Sunny Leone now helps promote sex toys in India – online!


Ever since Sunny Leone entered Big Boss she has taken the country by storm and on the way became the most searched person of the year in 2012 surpassing the likes of Salman Khan,  Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif. The former adult star has  pushed the envelope even more and agreed to be the face of – India’s number 1 adult lifestyle webstore.

Besharam, positioned as India’s number 1 adult lifestyle webstore promises to fulfil every fantasy. The products include sex toys, BDSM objects, sexy lingerie, erotic books, sexy costumes and many other things which would be considered taboo in modern India. All the products are shipped from the US and UK in non-descriptive subtle packages that will be delivered discreetly to your doorsteps. The motto of the site seems to be that all humans are shameless (besharam) and whether they’re willing to accept it is another reason. While we humans are innately geared to reproduce and enjoy sex but society has put a lot of curtails on that the founders of Besharam want to undo that. ‘ (ReadExclusive interview with co-founder)

How it began?

According to their website, ‘It began over a cup of coffee and a conversation about how us Indians have aced every aspects of life, science, medicine, business, politics and spiritual beliefs and ancient know-how in health and wellbeing but still have no real access to experience a lifestyle that we desire in our relationships and private moments. The coffee got cold but the idea caught steam and right that weekend we flew in to California and met with another friend who had great experience in online business structuring. The idea became a concept, the concept became a brand, the brand became a business and the business now needed a face. The following week, we met with Sunny Leone, contracted her to be the face of the brand and went back to the airport realising we have planted the seed of Besharam.’ (ReadSexopedia – The giant encyclopaedia on sex)


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