FAQ - Returns

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What's your Return Policy/Exchange Policy?

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and a 30 day Return Policy on all the products purchased from our site. The 30 days begin from the date you receive your order. Depending on the product being returned, you can choose to get refund* back in the same form you made the payment or choose a store credit/gift card that NEVER expires. Due to the nature of the products and hygiene reasons, this policy is conditional to the following terms. If the return is due to size issue or fitting concern, we would gladly exchange (one time only) the product at NO COST to you. We do a quality inspection of most electronic and non electronic products to ensure they arrive to you in as advertised and brand new condition, thus eliminating any chances/possibilities of shipping faulty products. While our endeavor is to provide real Customer Care, for returns that arise at no fault of ours (incorrect order or damaged product) we do have to bill the cost of return shipping to the US. Refund is offered on products that meet all the criteria for returns policy and account for any applicable return shipping fees. Please click here to see the detailed return policy.


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