FAQ - Payment

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Is COD (Cash on Delivery) available?

YES. We just launched it! Now you can shop at ease and not have to worry about any common concerns like- 1.What if I paid and my order doesn't arrive? 2.What if my debit/credit card information is at risk? 3.What if my order gets singled out at customs? No worries Anymore. Now the absolute 100% Risk Free option is to choose COD (Cash on Delivery) We are able to provide this service in partnership with BlueDart+Fedex/DHL to all pin codes serviceable by them. There is a surcharge of 10% billed by courier company which will be added to your cart total. 

Note: For us to process a genuine COD order and eliminate false/improper orders, we require the convenience fees to be paid upfront for all COD orders, after which the order is shipped from the USA.

For a brief explanation on our COD Policy, please click here.

How much does COD cost? Click here for the video answer.


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