As a store policy, we price our products extremely competitively so when you add up import duties and shipping charges our rates are 30-40% lesser than US online stores and most times about 10-15% lesser than the Indian online stores that sell same brand/quality products. We showcase high quality authentic products sourced right from the manufacturers/master stockists. We strive to give you better quality products, better service and truly discreet packaging & reliable shipping with door 2 door tracking and overall a better browsing and buying experience, we unfortunately cannot discount our prices or products other than what they already are. We keep running promotions now and then and we also offer you a easy way to make Rs1250 towards your next order by simply sending an email to your friends and after 5 of them have purchased on our site.
Currently we are offering FREE shipping as an incentive for first time shoppers (a Rs2000 value) and this includes all the value added services we offer for all our customers.