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How to Return - STEP BY STEP Instructions

If the return meets one of the four scenarios above, please gather the product/s you would like to return/exchange and click a close-up picture of it (using good phone camera), which should clearly show the condition of the product as is, its packaging and any accessories/leaflets it came with. Next click the ‘Request Return’ button at the bottom of this section, fill the form with information of your original order, upload the pictures you clicked, select the reason for return and choose the relevant refund/exchange option. Submit the form with any information we should know or instructions you may have for our Returns Department. After that please allow 48hours to review & approve the return request and email you a RMA# (Return Merchant Authorization number). After you have received the RMA#, please use the package of your original order & carefully pack the return items, fill the Return Checklist (provided in the RMA email) with the RMA# and insert these inside the package and seal it so its secure. Next ship it to our US warehouse or UK warehouse (whichever is closest to you) and reply to the RMA email with the tracking number. Once we receive the return package and inspect it, we shall communicate with you with the status of your return request & post verification, initiate the refund/exchange process. An agent will follow through till the exchange item is delivered OR the refund to store credit is processed.


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