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Completely positive experience!

I recently purchased ten items from IMbesharam. This is feedback for that order.
First off, I want to talk about the amazing UI of the site itself. I've been to other sites that have adult accessories, and I'm sure some of those sites are your direct competitors. But none of them comes close to your site, ether in terms of UI/UX or in terms of the products on offer. It's an amazing looking site - very intuitive and easy to browse.
All the products are first class, and the product descriptions are great too. Usually eCommerce stores will have several products with tiresome, generic descriptions. All the products on IMbesharam, however, have great descriptions and are very helpful to read.
As for the customer service, it is second to none. Maybe even better than some of the bigger sites - Amazon, eBay etc. Very intelligent (a rarity in customer service these days) and helpful staff, willing to answer every last question. Props to Sumit, Manish and the entire team for patiently answering all my queries - I've bought from IMbesharam before, but this time I kept calling to ensure my order was going to be delivered on time, and they were very helpful each time I called or submitted a call-me-back request. Five stars on the responses! These people made it a pleasure doing business with IMbesharam.
And of course, the packaging itself. Amazing packaging, very carefully and thoughtfully done. As always, there was no way anyone could have seen or guessed what was inside, and it was wrapped in such a way that there was no chance of the products breaking or getting damaged in any way. You had also thrown in a couple of extras - lime lube and a pair of UV-resistant sunglasses. Nice touch! That was really nice to see.
All in all, it was a completely positive experience thanks to the very professional set of staff u havey, and I was glad to see how smoothly it went. You can confidently assume that I'm going to be a regular and loyal customer, as long as things are as smooth as they are now. It's no wonder that IMbesharam is the best site in India for this business - you simply have the best people on your side.
Thank you, and I hope you keep this up!


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