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All I'll say is - Loot while you can!

So the website is up and running pretty smooth . Boy was the bachelor and bachelorette party planner feature a pleasant surprise. I must say the interface is lovely and user friendly like other major entertainment websites on the internet. The quality wise top lingerie is there at affordable prices and the collection of items and costumes is huge! It is keeping it all classy with the right amount of fun.

Don't take my word for it, go look for yourself and i dare you to not like what you see. We'd have to agree on the fact that the website is very accessible way of making couples aware of sex as a scenario experience rather than just an act. It's like there was a whole new section about things that i am sure we wouldn't even have heard of anywhere. There are toys, cosmetics, even jewelry, edibles and cuff links! To add an extra cheery on the top there are the Besharam letters with all kinds of kinky stories and the Dr. Mojo the Sex-expert to help us out in the most humorous way. I personally ordered some stuff for my girlfriend for her birthday and she loved the gift! Who wouldn't love a new daring idea right? I dodged a bullet without burning a hole in my pocket, i think a lot more could benefit from this. And if that wasn't enough there is free international shipping to India for first 10,000 customers! I'll just say, loot while you can!


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