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About Diksha - OM at IMbesharam.com

Diksha - Operations Manager aka Principal Aunty

Hey! That's me, Diksha!  I am in love with my brand as well as my work!

I epitomize woman power of today and head the India Operations at IMbesharam.com. Being a perfectionist to the core, I strongly believe in Working Smarter, not Harder. I love to socialize and make friends, and that is what gets my team really motivated and enthusiastic. When out of the office, you will almost always find me spending some good quality time at home with family. As they say "If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life" and that's the mantra I wish to stay by for the rest of my life too! Leaving behind the corporate world, Besharam is what my passion now is. Having been associated with the brand since its inception days, it is quite a lot like a family member to me. With a keen eye for detail, I can instantly spot things that are out of place, and that is what I figured helps me greatly in this role. 

One wise word from the lady: No matter who you are or what you enjoy, don’t be ashamed of who you are. Accept all your quirks and attributes and announce "I am Besharam"

Fall in love with yourself first! See you soon on our webstore!


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