Net Banking Instructions:


You can either deposit cash directly at any ICICI branch in India or do a NEFT/IMPS transfer to make payment for your order at

Step1: Login to your bank account & select option to TRANSFER (NEFT/IMPS)
Step2: Add our bank account information as shown below as a new PAYEE
Step3: Transfer the grand total as on your order and email us a copy(scan/pic/screenshot) of the receipt + mention your order# in the subject line.

After that you are done. We will verify receipt of funds (normally under 24hrs) and mark the order as paid, which sends it for processing. You will be notified by email once the order is fulfilled and shipped out. If you need to reach us for any further assistance/questions, feel free to email us or call us. For additional question, please look up our payment policy here: 

Indian Bank Name: ICICI Bank (For Customers in India)
Account Name: Shining Star Consultants Pvt Ltd
Bank Address: Navsari building, 240 D.N. road. Fort , Mumbai 400001
Account Number: 623505386350
Account Type: Current
IFSC Code: ICIC0006235
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