Investment Opportunities


We are a young company with a team of dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who aspire to make 'Besharam' a favorite brand amongst the Indian population worldwide. We are determined to grow into a strong and reputable company in our pursuit of happiness by catering to the needs of over a billion people. We are certainly open to opportunities that will help the company grow & expand in the INR2,000crores in India (2013) and $12 billion industry worldwide (2013), we invite and welcome individual and/or organization's interest in owning a pie of the american dream. We are based in US, have offices in India and representation in Australia, Canada and United Kingdom. Please write to us what you may have to offer and we will take it from there.


We are actively seeking partners in India, Pakistan,Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, UAE, UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Europe & USA. We represent many world class brands that manufacture high end Lingerie, Party wear, ClubWear, Footwear, Novelties & Games, Sexual Wellness products and innovative & creative Pleasure products. Depending on your location and local laws, we will be able to offer you very competitive pricing, high quality support and custom distribution & logistics. Below are some of the brands we carry and promote. 

We are able to offer attractive incentives for parties who would like to distribute our products to Box stores and Departmental stores in the above mentioned regions. We are able to cater to the enquiries from most countries. Feel free to reach out to us to ask any question related to whole or distribution by contacting us by phone or email or visiting us in person. We look forward to doing business with you.

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Most trusted Adult Store Online
Over 16000 reviews online (text, audio & video) from 300000 happy customers, we are internet's MOST LOVED store.
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Shipper/Exporter Name: Happy Birds + No mention of products + Secure bubble wrapped packaging.
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Your complete privacy & discretion is the first promise we make and the most dear we keep. Forever and ever.
Free Shipping $25+ US / $150+ Int'l.
FREE SHIPPING anywhere in USA for orders >$25 and worldwide for orders >$150. Shipped by USPS Priority.